Plexus - IT Support from £10 per month

Plexus is our standard IT support arrangement under which we provide ongoing access to our services. It is designed to be simple, flexible and affordable.
With prices from just £10 per month, overall rates up to 50% cheaper and a 30-day moneyback guarantee, we hope you will give us the chance to prove ourselves to you.

What makes it simple?


There is no long term contract, just a 3 month notice period so its very easy in and easy out. We don't specify what is or isn't included and we are generally happy to do our best to help you with anything that is within our field of expertise. We find that restricting how we can help you only ends up being frustrating for the both of us and makes our offer more complicated.

How is it Flexible?


Instead of having to guess at the level of service required and having to set budgets, review agreements and all of the other related tasks that take up time and ultimately cost the both of us, we operate a more dynamic approach where a mini review is completed every month so that the price of the service automatically adapts over time to suit how much you need us. This not only results in the pricing being very fair, but also means the service can automatically adapt to your changing requirements as your business evolves.

Why is it affordable?


The Plexus IT Support service not only offers savings of up to 50% over our out of contract rates, but it also smoothes out your usage of our services into a relatively consistent monthly charge. This is particularly beneficial where a large amount of work may be required in a short space of time. Instead of a large bill, the cost of the work is spread over a longer period.

How it works

imageWhen you first open an account with us, you can use our services immediately. You may cancel the service without notice up to the end of the 30 day period and pay absolutely nothing.

On the 28th of each Month our system reviews activity on your account with us and completes a quick review of your package. Based on your usage trends, our system produces a revised service figure for the coming month that will be invoiced on the 28th of the following month. imageThis process simply repeats on a monthly basis.

If there was no activity (or less than average) in the previous month then the new price would be expected to drop. Likewise, if there was more than the average level of activity in the past month then the price may rise a little. When the service has been running for a while, the variations in price month to month should generally become minimal so that you have a reasonably predictable IT cost. There is a minimum charge of £10 per month, so the price should never drop below this.

You are free to give notice at any time. There is a 3 month notice period after the free trial completes.

Contact Us

Phase 5 Communications Ltd.
The Business Village @BarnsleyBIC
Innovation Way
South Yorkshire
S75 1JL
P: 01226 285600

Proudly based at The Business Village @BarnsleyBIC for over 15 years, we have been helping small businesses in Barnsley and surrounding areas keep their IT and Telecoms running smoothly and efficiently.

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